Ban to take effect at the end of May after years of trials and research into air pollution at the Veneto seaside resort The Venetian
This most romantic of Italian cities offers more than just Juliet’s famous balcony. Wine and olive oil producer Giovanni Éderle spreads the love This is

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new Travel Tech Consulting Website at With the launch of the new site I will
Travel Tech Consulting, Inc. and Connected Action Consulting Group LLC have put together a brief video presentation that provides insight into network analysis for airline

My wife’s Facebook friend recently posted this message declaring that she does not fly UA because they break guitars. I recently spoke at the EzRez

Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff recently posted a blog regarding the end of the golden age of the Web and the rise of the Splinternet. As

With eWeek reporting that 70% of the Fortune 500 are evaluating iPhone for the enterprise, the corporate travel industry needs to take note. From my

Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions,
Museum buildings and research centers shuttered, most federal employees furloughed, while excepted Zoo staff continue care of the animals

The number of visitors to this self-proclaimed Shakespearean “city of love” typically swells during the week around Valentine’s Day