Global Agenda Aviation, Travel and Tourism COVID-19 Digital Identity Here’s what travelling could be like after COVID-19 We will travel again – but differently. Image: REUTERS/Michaela Rehle • Airlines, travel companies and the tourism sector as a whole face an unprecedented challenge from the coronavirus pandemic. • For the industry to recover, travellers will need […]

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We’ve said it before and we will say it again – TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign language) simply is THE best way to travel. Just in case you need convincing, here are our top reasons why a TEFL course is your passport to trips of a lifetime! You live in another country Teaching English abroad […]

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There’s never a bad time to go travelling with kids, and spending quality family time together on holiday is always going to be a rewarding experience. However, travelling with kids over Christmas can throw up additional challenges. How will Santa know how to find you? How will you carry home all the toys he brings? […]

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Taj Mahal Hotel (c) QuartierLatin1968 “Very good price, very good price”, the bright-eyed boy in the yellow t-shirt poked his head through the car window. He spoke quickly, offering up Lord Shiva statuettes that dangled around his neck, arms and even from his fingertips. “Just 200 rupees, just 200 rupees”. He saw me grimace and changed […]

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